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Clifford Stoll says :

Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months.

Prajwol Shrestha said

Computers have lots of memory but no imagination.

Friday, November 8, 2013

How To Find System Uptime in Windows XP, Vista & 7

There are times when we need to find out the actual uptime of our computer. Reasons can be, to know the time you logged into your system or duration you have been working for or anything. Here, I share the two methods of finding the uptime of the system.

The first method is very simple. Follow the steps given below.
1) Right click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager" or "Start Task Manager".

2) In "Windows task Manager" box, select "Performance" tab.
3) The Uptime can be seen in the "System" section.

The second method is bit geeky but not that complex. With the steps given below, you'll be able to do it with in minutes.
1) Open "Run" dialog box by press "Win key + R".
2) Type "cmd" and press enter. This will open the command prompt. (*)

3) Type "systeminfo" and hit enter. You should see the list of results in a few seconds. (*)
4) Look for "System Up Time" in XP and "System Boot Time" in others.
(* Type commands without inverted commas)

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Converting Evaluation Copy of Winrar To Full Version

Many of us have been using an evaluation of Winrar since long time. One good side of Winrar is it never stops working despite of being evaluation copy. But it keeps irritating user by deploying pop window as follows every time it is run.

Here I provide you the simplest method to use as a full version and relief from that irritating pop up dialog box. All you need to do is perform following 3 steps:
  1. Download a regkey file from here : rarreg.key
  2. Copy the downloaded file and paste it in the installation folder of Winrar.
  3. Start Winrar
There you go. You've just just turned it to full version.

In case you don't have Winrar already, get it 32 bit here  and 64 bit here

Any question feel free to ask us in the comment below on in our Facebook Page.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Download Any Track From Soundcould

Soundcloud is one of the popular online music library. It is a wide collection from various people worldwide. But it's sad when you can not download the track and have to listen online always. There can be basically  two reasons for download being not available.
  1. Disabled by owner.
  2. Reached download limits.
So, here we come with a perfect solution.

Go to, paste the URL of the desired sound­cloud track and click the Off-Power button.

When the down­load but­ton appears.  Right click on it, choose “Save as..” and the down­load will begin.

That’s all there is to it!  The mp3 file is lim­ited to 128 kbps which is absolutely fine for casual lis­ten­ing but if you want the best quality you may buy the track and support the artist.

Note : This method works for Bandcamp too.

If this method actually helped you to download, please like & share this post.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Notify your Friends and Relatives when Android Battery is Low

Smartphones provide you with lot of additional features these days, but at the same time, they consume a lot of battery power. So if you have enabled all the sync for the accounts, your battery might run out quickly. So if you are travelling and does not have access to charge your phone and if your phone runs out of battery, how do you notify your friends and relatives? Or even you are having an important discussion and your battery runs out in the middle of it?
Introducing Last Message, a freeware and customizable and smart solution to this problem for Android phones. With everybody now connected to the internet and always in contact, it is important for you to let your friends and family know when you may not be-able to be contacted so they can have peace of mind next time you don’t reply to a tweet, Facebook message, email or SMS. Last Message runs in the background of your device and monitors your battery – you can set the app to notify someone through Twitter, Email, SMS or Facebook to warn them that you may not be in-contact once your phone battery has been depleted.

With this app, you can personalize the message anyway you’d like and even choose at what percentage you’d like the app to send the message and which medium should be used for notifying. So next time your battery becomes depleted, you can be confident that your contacts will know exactly why you are not reachable on your mobile.
Last Message includes advanced features, you can use the Statistics page to learn additional information about the battery that your device houses, measure the battery temperature trend and more if needed.
Last Message requires Android 2.2 or higher, meaning that it will work on most modern devices although some older devices may not be supported.
Overall, Last Message is a good concept and implemented pretty neatly. The app is worth a try if you run out of battery quite frequently.

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Find Pending Friend Requests on Facebook

Facebook is currently the most popular social networking tools available with new features being added constantly. You can add any user as a friend and see his timeline by subscribing even if the user has not approved your friend requests. Now if you have added lots of friends, some of them have approved, while other friend requests might be still pending. Similarly, many users might have added you as a friend, but you might not have approved it. So how do you keep tracks of all the friend requests sent and friend requests received.
Although Facebook does show you with all the friend requests received, there is no direct means to access the request you have sent from your account. But you can stil keep track of them using the Facebook’s “Download Your Information” option.  To get detailed stats of friend requests, go to account settings page (

Click on Download a Copy of your Facebook data. In the next step, you need to select expanded archive from the link below.
You will be prompted to enter the Facebook password. Once the archive is ready, you will receive an email. Now you need to download the archive from the link. The archive basically contains a html file (index.html). Open this file and you can see links to all your Facebook activities. You can find a link “Pending friend requests”

This will list all the pending friend requests and this includes requests you have sent and friends not approved and also requests which you have received and not approved. There is no direct link to the profile in this file, probably you will have to search them on Facebook. You can also view friends whom you have deleted from your account.

Source :

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Awesome Facebook Chat Emoticons

You can find the code below any emoticons image, and paste it on any facebook chat window or private messages, then hit the Send button and you will see that the code sent will turn in a fantastic facebook emoticon! Don't miss any of our updates: new emoticons for facebook are added every week, so like our facebook page and check it often to find about the new emoticons.

If you like the new facebook emoticons you can also share them with all your friends on your facebook profile!

Coffee Smiley Face
Coffee Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Blushing Shy Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Love Smiley Giving Heart
Heart Giving Smiley
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Angel Smiley For Facebook
Angel Smiley Face
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

love you that much
I love you this much
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Love You
I Love You
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Teddy Bear Holding Flower Bouquet
Teddy bear with a flower bouquet
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Butterflies - new facebook chat code
Butterflies Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Music Notes And Symbols Facebook Emoticon
Music notes
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Facebook Rainbow Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Middle Finger Facebook Emoticon
Middle Finger
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Peace Fingers Emoticon For Facebook Chat
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Gangnam Style - Facebook Emoticon Of Psy
Psy - Gangnam Style
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Kitten Ripped A Hole In Facebook Chat Box
Kitten ripped a hole in chat box
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hidden Fist - New Facebook Emoticon
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Hidden Facebook Emoticons
Peeking baby
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:

Cute Kitty Emoticon For Facebook Chat
Cute kitty
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
Hello Kitty Facebook Emoticon
Hello Kitty
Copy the emoticon code to facebook chat:
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Prajwol Shrestha
Web Developer
Bhaktapur, Nepal